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"One of the Most Erotic Videos in History"
Absolutely one of the most outstanding mud videos (and videos in general) that I have ever purchased. Creamy gradually becomes one with the mud here, and it's one of the most primal, sensual experiences I've ever witnessed. You can tell she's not faking; she's truly getting off from doing this. It's pure ectasy. My review doesn't do the video justice.
WAMOptimist93 10/7/21
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"Hot Exciting Thick Mud Pleasure"
Hot Hot Hot. Creamy's first time in the mud is absolutely awesome. She a little timid at first but once she dips her bare bottom into the clay and starts rocking the mud. You can tell that she will be going all in. After she destroys her white outfit and removes the last item of clothing she is ready to go full on with a great buried face plant. Her excitement keeps building as she squirm and mounds the clay upon her body. She can't resist playing with herself and rubbing her pussy as her energy builds into the hottest mind blowing orgasm ever. The heavy breathing and sounds of the squishing clay all add to this excellent video. If you like to see beautiful women pleasuring themselves in thick deep mud then this ones for you.
finflyer 6/5/21
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"A real wammer joyously takes her body into heavy mud."
Authentic wam. If you are tired of expressionless models going through the motions, this is the answer. Creamy, who started out as a pie girl, makes her first adventure into big mud and she does not disappoint. She starts off slowly, cautiously, but once she gets her womanhood into the heavy clay she is like a steam engine building up to top speed. A+. Very good lighting and camera work.
anymess 5/29/21
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"Rub a dub mud, creamy in the tub"
Chocolate and peanut butter. Beans and rice. Chicken and waffles. Some great things just go together so perfectly that it is hard to imagine them separately--Creamy and Mud are another such combination. I defy you to get through this movie without having to stop and blow off some steam at least once. It's a simple setup--Creamy gets in a tub of mud in some nice lingerie and gets herself off, but holy cow it is so sexy. Great video quality, sound, and perfect lighting.
sauceboss 5/28/21